use phpDocumentor\Reflection\DocBlock;
* A class that does nothing special
* This class has no purpose like any
* other example class. Just ignore it.
class Foo
* This method does something
* It appends the value of $str to
* getBar() and returns the result.
* Cool, isn't it?
* @param string $str string to append
* @return string new string value
public function doSomething($str)
return $this->getBar() . $str;
* Get bar value
* Returns hardcoded bar value.
* Everyone needs a bar
* @return string returns only bar
private function getBar()
return 'bar';
$class = new ReflectionClass('Foo');
$phpDoc = new DocBlock($class->getName());
echo $phpDoc->getContext() . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
echo '<i>Methods comments:</i>' . PHP_EOL;
foreach ($class->getMethods() as $method) {
$methodDoc = new DocBlock($method->getName());
echo '<h3>' . $method->getName() . '</h3>';
echo '<h4>' . $methodDoc->getSummary() . '</h4>';
echo $methodDoc->getDescription() .
if ($methodDoc->hasTag('param')) {
foreach ($methodDoc->getTagsByName('param') as $t) {
echo '<b>' . $t->getVariableName() . '</b>' .
' is of type ' . $t->getType() .
': <i>' . $t->getDescription() . '</i>' .
if ($methodDoc->hasTag('return')) {
foreach ($methodDoc->getTagsByName('return') as $t) {
echo 'Return value is of type<b> ' . $t->getType() . '</b>' .
': <i>' . $t->getDescription() . '</i>' . PHP_EOL;